
We protect your data and personal information.

Due to the commercial activity carried out and collected by Gongzhu Tech Development’s, in some cases, discloses information about its website users in order to ensure delivery of the product and provide a better service.

1. Protecting it

Gongzhu Tech Development is committed to protecting your privacy. In this Privacy Policy Gongzhu Tech Development describes the information collected on its users and visitors and what may happen to that disclosed information. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy do not use the site.

Our Privacy Policy ensures that any information you provide will be kept private and secure. To attest to this, in this document we provide details as to what type of information we collect and how we use it. We will never collect information without your consent.

This document is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of Gongzhu Tech Development. By accepting the Terms and Conditions, the User accepts the Privacy Policy contained herein.

2. Information we collect

We collect personal identifiable information (PII) that is voluntarily given during the registration process or in response to explicit requests submitted by Gongzhu Tech Development. We may also collect your IP (Internet Protocol) address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer the Site. An IP address is a number that is assigned to your computer when you use the internet. Your IP address is also used to help identify you within a particular session and to gather broad demographic information. We may request your e-mail while using the site. Also, in order to purchase products we may request the following information: Full name, address, email address, birth date, phone number and details about the method of payment.

Gongzhu Tech Development does not store credit card information in which the payments are made within the Site. Gongzhu Tech Development will not, at any time, store your credit card information on our servers. This information is transmitted by SSL directly to an email security gateway and stored on servers of our payment providers.

It states that at any time the Users of Gongzhu Tech Development may request the removal and deletion of their account and information from Gongzhu Tech Development’s database. . Gongzhu Tech Development automatically collects and stores certain information about the activity of users within our website. Such information may include the URL that you came from (whether or not on our website), which URL you may access after ( whether or not on our website ), which browser you are using , as well as pages visited, searches performed, publications, purchases or sales, messages, etc.

3. Use of information

To provide excellent service and so that users can perform transactions in a fast and safe manner, Gongzhu Tech Development requires certain personal data. The collection of information allows us to provide services and features that best suit your needs. It also allows Gongzhu Tech Development to bring you through various means and channels ( including mail, SMS, etc. ) offers and services that we believe may be of interest.

The personal Information we collect have the following purposes:

  • Proceed to the billing and collection of the product purchased by the User.
  • Putting us in direct contact with you whenever Gongzhu Tech Development considers it convenient to provide you with through different ways and means (including email, SMS, etc. ) other products and / or services.
  • Develop internal studies on the interests , behavior and demographics of the users in order to better understand your needs and interests and to better serve you or provide related information.
  • To improve our marketing and promotional efforts to analyze the pages visited by users, searches performed , improve our content offerings , customize such content , presentation and services.
  • Send information or messages about new products and / or services, display advertising and promotions , banners, of interest to our members; news about Gongzhu Tech Development and any other information we may consider convenient. If the user prefer, he may request to be excluded from lists for sending promotional or advertising information .
  • Share Personal Data with service providers or "outsourcing " to contribute and help improve or facilitate operations through Gongzhu Tech Development, as (without limitation) means of secure or intermediaries in managing payments, among others.
  • These companies or websites generally have policies on confidentiality of information similar to ours. However Gongzhu Tech Development will ensure that certain standards are met, by signing agreements or contracts having as their object the privacy of the personal data of our users. However, Gongzhu Tech Development is not responsible for the misuse of personal data of the User by these companies or websites.
  • In some cases, these service providers will be the ones to collect information directly from the user (for example, if we ask them to conduct surveys or studies). In such cases, you will receive a notification about the involvement of a service provider in such activities, and it will be at the discretion of the user any information you wish to provide. If you decide to provide additional information, such providers will use such information according to their own privacy policies.
  • Provide personal data of Users to entities involved in the resolution of disputes between them, such as insurance companies and courts in order to resolve such disputes.

4. Confidentiality of information

User data will be supplied only by Gongzhu Tech Development in the forms set forth in this Privacy Policy. Gongzhu Tech Development will do everything in its power to protect the privacy of information. It may be that under court orders, or legal regulations, Gongzhu Tech Development be compelled to disclose information to authorities or third parties under certain circumstances, or in cases where third parties can intercept or access certain information or transfer of data in which case Gongzhu Tech Development is not liable for the information disclosed.

5. Minors

Our services are available only to those who have legal capacity to contract. Therefore, those who do not comply with this condition shall refrain from providing personal information to be included in our database. However, they can make it through parents or legal guardians, as set forth in our Terms and Conditions.

6. Cookies

Users of Gongzhu Tech Development /s website acknowledges and accepts that Gongzhu Tech Development may use a tracking system using cookies. Cookies are small, temporary files that are installed on the hard drive, with a limited period of time to help personalize services. We may also offer certain features that are only available through the use of cookies. Cookies are used in order to meet the interests, behavior and demographics of those who visit or are visitors of our website and thereby better understand your needs and interests and provide you better service or provide you with related information. We will also use the information gathered through cookies to analyse the pages browsed by the visitor or user, searches performed, improve our marketing and promotional initiaves, display advertising and promotions, banners of interest, news about Gongzhu Tech Development, perfect our offering contents and items, customize such content, presentation and services.

Additionally, Gongzhu Tech Development uses Cookies so that the user does not have to enter their password as often during a browsing session, also to account for and confirm registrations, user activity and other concepts and trade agreements, always with the objective of the installation of Cookies is to benefit the user who receives it and it will not be used for other purposes other than Gongzhu Tech Development. It is established that the facility, permanence and existence of the Cookies on the user’s or visitor’s computer depends on their own volition and can be deleted from their computer whenever they want. To learn how to remove the cookies from the system it is necessary to review the Help section (Help) on your browser. Also, you can find cookies or other similar systems installed by third parties on certain pages of our Site. Gongzhu Tech Development does not control the use of cookies by third parties.

7. E-mails

We may send e-mails for the following purposes:

  • As part of the Service. For example, we send (or may send) emails in the following circumstances
  • After registration, notifying the account details
  • E-mail reminders of our services (especially those who have not yet used or unused for a considerable time)
  • To send information on products you ordered
  • As part of a Newsletter
  • As promotional emails
  • To offer related services

However, in each of the emails we send we will always offer the opportunity to unsubscribe (op-out) to stop receiving emails in the future.

Just follow the link “unsubscribe newsletter” found at the end of all the daily emails you receive.

8. Security and Storage

We employ different security techniques to protect such data from unauthorized access by Visitors to the site either within or outside the company. However, it is necessary to take into account that perfect security does not exist on the Internet. Therefore, Gongzhu Tech Development is not responsible for illegal interceptions or violation of our systems or databases by unauthorized persons. Gongzhu Tech Development is also not liable for the misuse of information obtained by such means.

9. Transfers in special circumstances

If there is a sale, merger, consolidation, change in corporate control, transfer of substantial assets, reorganization or liquidation of Gongzhu Tech Development, then, at our discretion, we may transfer, sell or assign information collected on this Site or any other relevant parties.

10. Customer Service

If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact our customer service team:

11. Changes to Privacy Policy

Gongzhu Tech Development may at any time change or alter the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy and Confidentiality. Any change will only be posted on our Site. Depending on the nature of the change we will announced by: (a) the home page of the Site, or (b) an e-mail. However, continued use of our Site constitutes acceptance by the User of the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you are not in accordance with the Privacy Policy in effect you should not use the Site.

12. Registration database

The personal database of Gongzhu Tech Development is duly registered with the National Registration Database within the framework of the National Directorate for Personal Data Protection. The web address of the agency is